Preparatory Committee

Position Number of People Responsibilities
1. Honorary Chairman Few  
2. Chairman 5 International leaders and experts in academic, religion and culture
3. Vice Chairman 1 0 Responsible for fundraising and defining policy terms for the Standing Committee
4. Secretary 1 Chief, 9 Vice Coordinate key meetings and process required documentation
5. President 1 Chief, 9 Vice Coordinate cooperation between members and promote trade development DATA HUB
6. Advertising 1 Chief, 9 Vice  Advocate ideas of the organization and coordinate cultural events
7. Project Coordinator 1 Chief, 9 Vice Coordinate and plan activities
8. Accountants 1 Chief, 9 Vice  Audit and manage accounts
9. Public Relations 1 Chief, 9 Vice Liaising with government officials or other international organizations
10. Membership Few Member recruitment


(一)名譽主席 若干名  
(二)主席團 五名 國內外專家學者,宗 教,文化界
(三)副主席委員 十名 負責統籌活動經費事宜『常務委員會』政策
(四)秘書 一正四副 執行,報告,委員組織及設立
(五)總務 一正九副 會員服務及貿易資料樞紐
(六)宣傳 一正九副 活動的建議及教科文化
(七)設計 一正九副 設施
(八)財務 一正九副 經費的建議和資產管理
(九)公關 一正九副 民間民化藝術,僑務和政府政策
(十)委員 若干名